Siti Wahyuni, Dedi Nurjamil, Eva Mulyani


This study aims to determine the mathematical connection ability of students who have self regulated learning is good, sufficient and lacking in the material of building a flat side space. The method used in this study is qualitative research methods. This research was conducted at SMPN 1 Rajapolah class VIII-B, amounting to 31 students. The subjects of this study were taken purposively, namely 3 students of class VIII-B of SMPN 1 Rajapolah. Data collection techniques consist of self regulated learning questionnaires, mathematical connection ability tests, and interviews. The research instrument used was the researcher as the main instrument then assisted with a self regulated learning questionnaire and a test of mathematical connection ability. Data analysis techniques consist of data reduction, data display, and verification. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that (1) Students who have good self-regulated learning, are able to find equivalent
representations of the same concepts and procedures, are able to understand the relationships between mathematical topics, and are able to use mathematics in other fields of study or daily life 2) Students who have sufficient self regulated learning are able to find equivalent representations of the same concepts and procedures, are able to understand the relationships betweenmathematical topics, and are able to use mathematics in other fields of study or daily life. However, not working on the test questions in mathematical connection skills in detail, (3) Students who have lacking self regulated learning is not yet able to find an equivalent representation of the sameconcepts and procedures, has not been able to understand the relationship between mathematical topics, but is able to use mathematics in other fields of study or everyday life.

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