Pengaruh Penerapan Project Based Learning (PjBL) Berbantuan Geogebra Terhadap Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Matematis Siswa Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 2 Ciamis

Nisa Rahmawati Apriliani, Dedi Nurjamil, Linda Herawati


The purpose of this study was to determine how the Geogebra-assisted project based learning model and the project based learning model affect students' ability to understand mathematical concepts. This study used a quasi-experimental design and used tests as a data collection technique. This study involved all students of SMP Negeri 2 Ciamis who were in class VIII. The number of samples was 64 students, with 32 students from class VIII-F who were in the experimental class and 32 students from class VIII-H who were in the control class. This sampling used a random sampling technique. The data analysis techniques used were the prerequisite analysis test and the t-test. The test results showed that students who used the Geogebra-assisted project based learning model affected students' ability to understand mathematical concepts. The test results showed that students who used the Geogebra-assisted project based learning model had better understanding of mathematical concept understanding abilities than those who used the project based learning model. Thus, it can be concluded that students' ability to understand mathematical concepts is greatly influenced by the Geogebra-assisted project based learning model.

Keyword: Project Based Learning, Geogebra, Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Matematis

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