Pengaruh prestasi belajar, self efficacy (efikasi diri), praktek kerja lapangan dan informasi dunia kerja terhadap kesiapan memasuki dunia kerja siswa kelas xii keahlian akuntansi dan keuangan lembaga di smk negeri 3 padang
Vocational High School (SMK) is a formal education that has a special training pattern to direct students to become graduates who are ready to enter professionally and move in the business world or company. This research aims to determine the influence of learning achievement, self efficacy, field work practices and information on the readiness to enter the world of work. The sample technique used is Propotional Stratified Random Sampling as many as 96 respondents, namely all students of class XII accounting and financial expertise institutions in SMKN 3 Padang. The analysis used in this study is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The results of this study showed the achievements of learning, self efficacy, fieldwork practices, and information in the world of work together have a significant and positive effect on the readiness to enter the world of work of students of class XII accounting and financial expertise institutions in SMKN 3 Padang.
Keywords: Learning Achievement, self efficacy, fieldwork practices, and world of work information
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