Yosita Niken Pratiwi


Teaching English in this era is relatable with the use of technology, especially when the curriculum wants to make the technology as the part of the activities in teaching leraning process, so the students can face the society in 21st century. This result have been collected by 35 students in seven grade of SMPN 1 Tambun Selatan. The data was collected using descriptive qualitatve based on the cycle of classroom reserach by Kurt Lewin. There are two cycles in this research, it consists of pre-test and planning, application, observation, evaluation, the first post-test and second post-test. The activities of the lesson use some technology such as; Google Classroom, Canva, Quizizz and Padlet as the media in teaching learning process. In this paper, there is significant score of pre-test and post-test. Average of score in pre-test is 47.55, first post test is 70.08 and the second post test is 88.03. Based on the result that students are interest the use of technology in activities of teaching English in classroom. Furthermore, this result is in line with previous study by Purcell (2013) and Jose (2021). The result of their research shows the increase of score using digital technology as the media in teaching learning process.


Digital literacy; Grammar; English; Technology

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