Focus and Scope
The focus of this journal is on the study of agribusiness and scope of Jurnal Agristan includes:
- Agribusiness refers to economic activities derived from or connected to farm products
- Social agriculture includes the development of organizations and institutions and solving of agricultural problems
- Sustainable agricultural development
- Agricultural economics relates to how the process of production, distribution, and consumption
- Agricultural extension and communication
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
All manuscripts will be reviewed with a Double-Blind Review system, Manuscripts from the author will go to the Editor in Chief who then transfers it to the relevant Editor Section for further handling. The Editors' Section will request at least two review partners to review the manuscript. Based on comments from Reviewers and Section Editors, Editor-in-Chief will make decisions on the manuscript.
All submitted manuscript will be screened as follow :
Editor collect the submitting article
The editor section evaluate the manuscript (the aims, scope, writing style, the manuscript will be rejected if doesn’t meet with criteria )
Similarity will be checked using turnitin. If more than 30% plagiarism is found, the manuscript will be rejected and the author will be contacted via email
Section editor send the manuscript to reviewers
The reviewers send back the reviewed article to section editor with revised if necessary
Editor make a decision ( with criteria :reject, major revision, minor revision, accept, revision and resubmit)
The decision is informed to the author via email
If there is a revision, the author must revise the manuscript and return it to the editor immediately (maximum 2 weeks). If the return is late (more than three months, it will be considered as a new manuscript submission)
If there is no need for revision, the manuscript enters the layout editor before publishing
Publication Frequency
Jurnal Agristan is published twice a year and one issue on Mei and November; where each issue contains a minimum of 5 (five) journal articles.
Open Access Policy
Jurnal Agristan provides immediate open access to all article on the principle that making research freely available to the public; supports a greater global exchange of knowledge; and invaluable way to maximize the visibility and impact of research, especially education field.Â
Jurnal Agristan uses CC-BY-SA or The Creative Commons Attribution–ShareAlike License
This means :
- The freedom to use and perform the work;
- The freedom to study the work and apply the information;
- The freedom to redistribute copies;
- The freedom to distribute derivative works;