Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah published by Department of Sharia Economic at Faculty of Islamic Religion at Universitas Siliwangi. Published twice a year, in May and November. P-ISSN: 2548-5032 | E-ISSN 2714-769X. This journal has been accredited sinta 4 based on decision No.: 204/E/KPT/2022. Starting in 2023 Vol 8 No1 This journal publishes 10 papers per edition
The journal focus on providing qualified researches in the area of Islamic Economics, banking and finance. The journal aims to cover topics that are paramount in modern Islamic economics and finance. The languages used are Bahasa and English. Editors invite researchers, lecturers, reviewers, industry practitioners, and observers to contribute.
Islamic Economics Journal (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah) focus on the main problems in the development of the science of economics and business Islam in the form of conceptual thoughts/ ideas and the results of the study include:
- Islamic Philanthropy (Zakah, Infaq, Shodaqoh and Waqf)
- Halal Supply Chain Management
- Islamic Business Ethics and Entrepreneurship
- Islamic Banking and Finance
- Islamic Human Capital
- Islamic Marketing
- Other topics related to Islamic economics
Vol 9, No 2 (2024): Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah
Table of Contents
Trend Analysis Of Net Profit at Sharia Bank
DOI : 10.37058/jes.v9i2.12700
| Abstract views : 49 times |
PDF views : 8 times
The Effectiveness of Productive Zakat Program for MSMEs using the Zakat Utilization Index (IPZ)
DOI : 10.37058/jes.v9i2.12852
| Abstract views : 27 times |
PDF views : 8 times
Fachrina Fiddareini, Rakhmawati Rakhmawati
Enhancing Halal Product Exports: Indonesia's Halal And K Pop Collaboration
DOI : 10.37058/jes.v9i2.12789
| Abstract views : 29 times |
PDF views : 7 times
Adi Tri Pramono
Analysis of MSMEs in Tasikmalaya City Based on Business Characteristics and Scale
DOI : 10.37058/jes.v9i2.12828
| Abstract views : 27 times |
PDF views : 5 times
Heni Sukmawati, Fatimah Zahra Nasution, Iwan Wisandani, Luliyatul Mutmainah
Analysis Of The Suitability Of Zalora Indonesia's- Commerce Contract With Sharia Principles
DOI : 10.37058/jes.v9i2.12626
| Abstract views : 42 times |
PDF views : 6 times
Annisa' Suryani Oktapia, Rozalinda Rozalinda, Ahmad Fernanda
The Effect Of Convenience, Security, And Service Features In Millenial Choices For Bsi Mobile Sub-Branch Office Nganjuk Yos Sudarso
DOI : 10.37058/jes.v9i2.11317
| Abstract views : 25 times |
PDF views : 0 times
Rena Ayu Defani, Ajeng Pipit Fitriani
The Trigger of SMEs Performance: Considering Islamic Financial Literacy, Financial Access, and Technical Support
DOI : 10.37058/jes.v9i2.12911
| Abstract views : 34 times |
PDF views : 5 times
Aldi Reza Abdillah, Ahmad Febriyanto
Islamic Fintech as an Alternative to Increase Access to Capital for MSMEs: A Bibliometric Review
DOI : 10.37058/jes.v9i2.12933
| Abstract views : 51 times |
PDF views : 7 times
Faizatu Almas Hadyantari, Mhd Handika Surbakti
Analysis Of Factors Affecting Gen-Z’s Intention In Sharia Investment: Case Study Among Students At Untirta
Pinky Putrileoni Safitri, Moh Mukhsin, Elif Pardiansyah
The Role of Nazhir in Overseeing The Settlement of Waqf Land Dispute
DOI : 10.37058/jes.v9i2.11598
| Abstract views : 49 times |
PDF views : 4 times
Della Novita, Abdul Helim, Akhmad Supriadi