Proses literasi matematis peserta didik pada materi program linier ditinjau dari habits of mind

Sinta Dwi Aulia, Ipah Muzdalipah, Eva Mulyani


This study aims to describe the process of mathematical literacy according to the OECD in terms of Habits of Mind. This research is a type of qualitative research with descriptive method. Data collection techniques used in the form of distributing questionnaires, tests, and interviews. The instruments given are in the form of a Habits of Mind questionnaire according to Marzano and a test about the mathematical literacy process on linear programming material. The selection of research subjects was based on the results of the answers to the questionnaire and test questions. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The results showed that: (1) Students with Habits of Mind in the Self Regulation category. The process that is passed is the process of formulating; apply mathematical concepts, facts and procedures; then the process of interpreting the mathematical results. However, the final results that were carried out were not quite right, but the conclusions drawn were correct. (2) Students with Habits of Mind in the Critical Thinking category. The process that is passed is the process of formulating; apply mathematical concepts, facts and procedures; then return to the process of formulating; then return to the process of applying mathematical concepts, facts and procedures; and ends with the process of interpreting the mathematical results. The final result that is done is right, but the conclusions drawn are wrong. (3) Students with Habits of Mind in the Creative Thinking category. The process that is passed is the process of applying mathematical concepts, facts and procedures; the process of formulating; then return to the process of applying mathematical concepts, facts and procedures; and ends with the process of interpreting the mathematical results. The final results are carried out correctly, and the conclusions drawn are correct.

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