Proses metakognisi peserta didik yang berkaitan dengan keterampilan dan pengetahuan dalam pemecahan masalah matematika

Diana Exsa, Ipah Muzdalipah, Depi Setialesmana


This study aims to determine the metacognition process of students related to metacognitive skills and knowledge in solving mathematical problems. The subjects in this study were students of class XI SMAN 2 Tasikmalaya. This research is a qualitative research with exploratory research method. Data collection techniques used in this study were in the form of tests and interviews. Subject selection is done by taking 1 person each from each category of academic ability. The data analysis technique used in this study is data analysis using the Miles and Huberman model. The results of this study are (1) the metacognition process related to metacognitive skills in solving mathematical problems for each subject is different, at the stage of stating the problem the subjects S8 and S14 experience all three metacognitive skills. namely planning, monitoring and evaluation, while S20 has not experienced evaluation metacognition skills. At the solution search stage only subjects S8 and S20 experienced all three metacognitive skills while S14 only experienced one metacognitive skill, namely planning. At the stage of implementing the solution, only S8 experienced all three metacognitive skills, while S20 experienced planning and monitoring skills, namely writing the formula correctly, and S14 only experienced planning metacognition skills. (2) the metacognitive process related to metacognitive knowledge in solving mathematical problems of S8 and S20 subjects is almost the same, namely the subject experiences all three metacognitive knowledge at each stage of problem solving, in contrast to S8 and S20, at the stage of finding solutions and implementing solutions, S14 subjects do not yet know the initial knowledge he has and relates it to the question which means that S14 has not experienced metacognition in declarative knowledge.

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