Analisis kemampuan komunikasi matematis peserta didik slow learner ditinjau dari perbedaan gender

Shohibah Shohibah, Dedi Nurjamil, Dian Kurniawan


This study aims to determine the mathematical communication skills of slow learners (Slow Learners) in solving math problems in terms of gender differences. Slow learners are children who have an IQ level below or slightly below the average of other normal children and are included in the category of learners who have an IQ below the normal average, which is in the range of 79-90. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive research method. The subject-taking technique is done by looking at the IQ data of students who are included in the category of slow learners (Slow Learners) from class XI IPA 1 MAN 2 Tasikmalaya City. The instrument in this study used a mathematical communication ability test sheet and interview guidelines. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the way the subject responds to the mathematical communication ability test. male subjects (S-12) are categorized as having good communication skills. S-1 subjects are able to fulfill two of the three indicators of mathematical communication skills. S-1 subjects can state the daily events that exist in the problem in the form of mathematics in writing in full and in detail. Female subjects (S-13) are categorized as having inadequate mathematical communication skills. This is because the subject of S-13 is able to fulfill two of the three indicators of mathematical communication skills, but when stating the daily events that exist in the form of a mathematical model in writing, it is still incomplete and detailed and there are still a few errors in writing the form of equations.

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