Kemampuan argumentasi matematis ditinjau dari adversity quotient

Rizky Pratama Putra


This study explores students' mathematical argumentation abilities in solving SPLTV (Three Variable Linear Equation System) problems, viewed through the lens of their Adversity Quotient (AQ). It employs a qualitative, exploratory approach, using non-test AQ questions, mathematical argumentation tests, and unstructured interviews for data collection. The subjects were 19 students from class X at SMA Negeri 1 Kedungreja, from which 5 students per AQ category with the highest scores were selected for interviews. Results indicate that students in the climbers, climbers-campers transition, campers, and campers-quitters transition categories met the data indicator by correctly completing mathematical models. In contrast, quitters failed to do so. For the claim indicator, climbers, climbers-campers transition, campers, and campers-quitters transition students successfully identified the methods used, while quitters did not understand the methods. Regarding evidence, climbers and climbers-campers transition students explained the steps correctly, whereas campers, campers-quitters transition, and quitters made calculation errors. Only climbers met the reasoning indicator by providing correct proofs, while others did not fully solve the problems. In the rebuttal indicator, only climbers accurately identified contradictions. The main issues hindering students' mathematical argumentation abilities include carelessness in calculations, lack of fundamental understanding of SPLTV concepts, and unfamiliarity with contextual questions.

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©2017 Jurnal Kongruen
Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan  
Universitas Siliwangi
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