Penggunaan Bahan Ajar Etnomatematika Batik Nusantara pada Pembelajaran Geometri Bidang di Sekolah Dasar

Via Siti Humaeroh, Diar Veni Rahayu


This study aims to explore the ethnomathematics contained in Indonesian batik motifs and apply it to the learning of plane geometry in elementary schools. This research is simple descriptive research, where the data collection technique is obtained from the results of a literature study. Based on the results of the study, researchers found 3 batik motifs that can be used as alternatives in learning flat plane geometry, namely the tumpal batik motif with a triangular shape, the kawung batik motif with a circle shape and the patchwork batik motif with a square shape. The steps for learning flat plane geometry using Indonesian batik motifs are as follows: (1) Students together with the teacher conduct questions and answers related to the introduction of Indonesian batik, (2) Students are asked to read texts about Indonesian batik, (3) Students are asked to to observe and analyze the shape of the batik motif while accompanied by the teacher, (4) students present their findings

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