Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Divergen Matematis Peserta Didik Ditinjau dari Tipe Kepribadian Big Five

wini winarti, Redi Hermanto, Linda herawati


This research aims to analyze students' mathematical divergent thinking abilities in terms of the Big Five personality types which consist of five personality types, namely the openness to experience type, conscientiousness type, extraversion type, agreeableness type, and neuroticism type. This research is qualitative research with an exploratory method. The data collection technique used was purposive sampling. Data collection techniques include a Big Five personality type questionnaire, a mathematical divergent thinking ability test on flat-sided geometric material, and unstructured interviews. The subjects in this research were 5 students from class IX B at MTs As-Sa'adah Tasikmalaya who consistently had one most dominant personality type. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results of this study describe that students with the personality types of openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism have differences in completing the mathematical divergent thinking ability test. (1) Students with the openness to experience personality type when taking tests tend to be imaginative and able to fulfill 3 indicators, namely fluency, flexibility and elaboration. (2) Students with the conscientiousness personality type when taking tests tend to be thorough and able to fulfill all indicators, namely fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration. (3) Students with the extraversion personality type when taking tests tend to look very active and are able to fulfill 3 indicators, namely fluency, flexibility and elaboration. (4) Students with the agreeableness personality type when taking tests tend to be calm and able to fulfill 3 indicators, namely fluency, flexibility and elaboration. (5) Students with the neuroticism personality type when taking tests tend to be tense and are able to fulfill 2 indicators, namely fluency and elaboration

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