Journal History

Bioedusiana Vol. 1 No. 1 published online in December 2016, Vol. 2 No. 1 in September, then Vol. 3 No. 1 in March 2018, while Vol. 3 No. 1 was published in January 2019. We admit this is a flaw that we must fix. Reflecting on this, we improve consistency in terms of publication scale starting from Vol. 4 No. 1 onwards to be published in June and December each year.

2015 and 2016

The Bioedusiana Journal began to register with the LIPI Scientific Documentation and Data Center (PDDI) to obtain a printed ISSN number. The submission of the printed version of the ISSN was submitted on November 10, 2015, and the printed version of the ISSN Decree was issued on December 8, 2015. On this date, the journal Bioedusiana officially published its article on Volume 1 Number 1 with a total of nine articles, consisting of one article who came from external Biology Education majors and eight others who came from internal Biology Education majors. Articles published this year all have topics related to science/biology education. The article was published in Desember 2016

Although in the beginning the journal Bioedusiana aimed to accommodate articles from Natural Sciences and Biology teachers, in reality, the dominant ones for publishing articles were lecturers. This year, only one volume and one number were published.


In 2017, the journal Bioedusiana published six articles, all of which were sourced internally in the Biology Education Department of FKIP Siliwangi University. This year, the number of numbers published by the Bioedusiana Journal is only 1 number.


Entering In 2018, the journal Bioedusiana began to improve itself in various matters, such as management, article templates, OJS system, and reviewer boards. In 2018, Bioedusiana Journal can publish two numbers on an ongoing basis. In Volume 3 number 1 of 2018, six articles were published with a composition of three articles from outside authors and 3 other articles from internal sources. Then, in volume 3 number 2 of 2018, articles were published as many as six articles, with the composition of two articles coming from outside writers and 4 other articles coming from internal.


In 2019, Bioedusiana has ISSN Online with numbers 2684-7604 and indexed by Crossref and ROAD with Free Access status. The journal Bioedusiana registered for obtaining a DOI number from Crossref. In Volume 4 number 1 of 2019, the number of articles published was 8 articles, consisting of 2 articles from internal authors and 6 other articles from external authors.


Reflecting on the results of the journal accreditation assessment in 2019, in 2020 we try to accommodate every suggestion and input for our journal so that it can be even better. We have improved the appearance of the Bioedusiana website: Journal of Biology Education so that it is more friendly both on desktop and Android. The Bioedusiana view is provided with an article matrix making it easier for readers to find out the number of readers for the abstract and also the number of articles downloaded. We provide chat features via Whatsapp and Telegram on the display of the journal website so that readers can contact the editor directly if they need more detailed information.

We also improved the journal writing guidelines to make it easier in terms of editing and legibility. We have applied the latest writing templates to Bioedusiana Vol.5 No. 1, June 2020. We also provide a Full Editon version of Vol. 5, No. 1, June 2020, complete with the latest cover, journal description, table of contents, all articles, and back page equipped with an ISSN barcode.

In 2020 Bioedusiana has been indexed by an international indexer, namely Dimensions. We also provide a Dimensions Badge display so readers can find out the number of citations for each article and who cited the article. This year we are also indexed by the Copernicus Index which can be seen on the ICI Journals Master List.

Furthermore, in Bioedusiana in October 2020 we collaborated with the Indonesian Genetic and Biodiversity Community (IGBC) in managing and publishing journals.

Bioedusiana also experienced a change in prefix number. Volume 5 Number 1 and previously using the DOI prefix number 10.34289, while starting Volume 5 Number 2 using the DOI prefix number 10.37058


Based on the letter Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi/Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional - Deputi Bidang Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Nomor: B/1796/E5.2/KI.02.00/2020, grateful that Bioedusiana: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi has risen from Rank 4 to Rank 3 starting in Volume 5 Number 1 of 2020.