Developing a Cell Biology Module Based on Research Integrated with Unity of Sciences to Train Student’s Critical Thinking Ability

Dwimei Ayudewandari Pranatami


Modules can be independent learning tools by providing systematic learning experiences according to learning achievement targets. With the appropriate module, it can increase the effectiveness of the learning process and also train students' critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study is to determine the design and feasibility of the research-based Cell Biology module for cancer that is integrated with the Unity of Sciences (UoS). This research is research and development (R&D). The study on this development used the 4D development model (defining, designing, developing, deploying), but this research was restricted at development stage. Data analysis used is descriptive analysis. The data includes validation results from media experts, material experts, UoS integration experts, critical thinking experts and product assessments from students. The development of this module contains 5 material chapters with related sub-materials. Modules are complemented by information on cancer-related research and questions that hone critical thinking. Module development through the validation stage by the validator resulted in a percentage of material experts 77.6%, media experts%, learning methodology experts 86.3%, UOS integration experts 74%, and critical thinking experts 75% and student assessments scored 3.68 out of scale 4. Cell biology module on cancer material to train critical thinking skills concludes that the product being developed is "worthy".


Module; research-based; Unity of Sciences.


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