Taufik Taufik, Rudi Priyadi, Dedi Natawijaya


Optimization of corn planting can be achieved if the factors that affect the growth and development of plants can be fulfilled, one of which is fertilization and application of growth regulators. This study aims to determine the effect between the concentration of shallot extract ZPT and the concentration of biological fertilizer (M-Bio) on the growth and yield of corn. The experimental design used was a factorial randomized group design (RAK) with 2 factors and 3 replications. Factor I four levels of shallot extract ZPT dosage (k), namely k0 = control (without ZPT), k1 = ZPT concentration 100 ml/L water, k2 = ZPT concentration 200 ml/L water, k3 = ZPT concentration 300 ml/L water. Factor II four levels of biofertilizer concentration (h), namely h0 = control (without biofertilizer), h1 = concentration of 10 ml/L water, h2 = concentration of 20 ml/L water, h3 = concentration of 30 ml/L water. The results showed that there was an interaction between the treatment of ZPT concentration of shallot extract and the concentration of biofertilizer (M-Bio) on Leaf Area Index (ILD), Net Assimilation Rate (NAR), dry seed weight per ear, , and corn yield per hectare (t/ha). The results of interaction tracking showed that the application of growth regulator concentration of shallot extract 300 ml/l, with the addition of biofertilizer as much as 30 ml/l spurred an increase in corn yield of 4.73 t/ha.  


Biofertilizer; ZPT shallot extract; Zea mays L;

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