Journal History

JELITA: Journal of Education Language Innovation and Applied Linguistics is a biannual publication that exudes confidence and excellence. Published by the Institute of Research and Community Services and Quality Assurance (LP2M-PMP), it made its debut in January 2022 and has been delivering high-quality content to its readers twice a year (January and July). The name "JELITA," meaning "beautiful face," represents everything pleasant. Its logo, featuring the initial "J" and an orange fire symbol, signifies enthusiasm, innovation, imagination, and productivity. The feather pen symbolizes scientific writing, while the blue colour represents professionalism, trustworthiness, wisdom, and confidence. JELITA: Journal of Education Language Innovation and Applied Linguistics is a Crossref member and publishes with the online registered number E-ISSN 2828-2920. All published articles have unique DOI numbers, and the journal is indexed in Dimensions, Base, Semantic Scholar, Google Scholar, One Research, ORCiD, and GARUDA. Since Volume 2, Number 1, 2023, until now, JELITA: Journal of Education Language Innovation and Applied Linguistics has been publisher transformation from the Institute of Research and Community Services and Quality Assurance (LP2M-PMP) to the Institute of Research and Community Services (LPPM) Universitas Siliwangi. JELITA: Journal of Education Language Innovation and Applied Linguistics collaborates with prestigious organizations such as Indonesian Education Share-to-Care Volunteers (IES2CV), Asosiasi Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (ADPI), Perkumpulan Dosen Bahasa Inggris Kementerian Agama (PDBI Kemenag), Perkumpulan Dosen Peneliti Indonesia (PDPI), International Journal of Education Research and Development (IJERD), International Journal of Educational Best Practices (IJEBP), Journal of Educational Sciences (JES), International Journal of Education Language and Religion (IJELR), English Franca IAIN Curup (EF), and Relawan Jurnal Indonesia (RJI). With its commitment to excellence, JELITA: Journal of Education Language Innovation and Applied Linguistics is a reliable and valuable resource for the academic community.