Lesson Study: A Systematic Routine to Enhance Students’ Social Character and Creative Writing Abilities
The students’ receptiveness to the learning environment significantly increased from 52.09% in cycle 1 to 85.14% in cycle 2. The cognitive domain has significantly enhanced knowledge acquisition, particularly in students’ creative writing skills. The proportion of students in IIIA, exhibiting this proficiency increased from 37% in cycle 1 to 77% in cycle 2. In class IIIB, there was a significant 40% surge, as the percentage escalated from 43% to 83%. Thus, adopting lesson study allows students to improve their social behaviour and support their writing ability.
Keywords: Creative writing; interactive learning; social character building; collaboration.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37058/jelita.v3i2.11376
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Journal of Education, Language Innovation, and Applied Linguistics
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