To enhance students' numeracy literacy skills, it is essential to develop an instrument that measures these abilities accurately. This research aims to develop a numeracy literacy instrument tailored to the local socio-cultural context of Serang for high school students. The instrument development method employed an R&D (Research and Development) approach using the Wilson model as well as the Oriondo and Antonio model. The subjects of this study were 20 eleventh-grade students from SMAN 8 Kota Serang, selected through purposive sampling techniques. Utilizing both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques, the study produced five items that were valid, reliable, and practical. Validity testing showed a score of 89.89% from three experts, and a Cronbach’s Alpha value of 0.75, indicating reliability. The instrument's practicality, as derived from student responses, was rated at 88.4%, categorized as highly practical. Therefore, the numeracy literacy test instrument developed in the local socio-cultural context of Serang is suitable for high school students. The findings suggest that this instrument can effectively assess numeracy literacy skills within this specific cultural context, providing a valuable tool for educators.
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