Journal History

Media Pertanian is a journal published by the Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Siliwangi, Tasikmalaya. This journal was first published in 2012 under MEDIA PERTANIAN with ISSN Print: 2085-4226. In 2020 the journal editor submitted ISSN Online and received ISSN number 2745-8946 with a change in the title from all capital letters to capitalize the first letter of each word: Media Pertanian.

The cover design was changed in  May 2022 issue, Volume 7 No. 1. The journal template was updated in November 2022 issue, Volume 7 No. 2, with margins and abstract policy changes. We also added DOI, logo and hyperlink to the ISSN number on the header. We attached a citation method on the footer of the first page

Media Pertanian  collaborated with PAGI (Indonesian Agrotechnology/Agroecotechnology Association) on September 1, 2022, in terms of managing and publishing journals with the MoU number 001/MOU/MP//IX/2022 (Media Pertanian) and number 16/MOU-PAGI-IX/2022 (PAGI).