Salah satu permasalahan dalam usaha budidaya tanaman secara intensif di Indonesia adalah cekaman kekeringan yang menyebabkan ketersediaan air tanah menjadi rendah sehingga tidak mencukupi kebutuhan tanaman. Salah satu upaya mengatasi kondisi cekaman kekeringan yaitu dengan pemberian Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh interaksi antara pemberian Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria dan cekaman kekeringan terhadap perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan vegetatif kacang kedelai. Artikel dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari sampai bulan Maret tahun 2024. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah RAK pola faktorial diulang sebanyak tiga kali dengan faktor pertama yaitu konsentrasi Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteri diantaranya: 0%, 1%, 1,5%, 2% dan 2,5% dan faktor kedua pada kadar air tanah 100 % kapasitas lapang dan 50 % kapasitas lapang. Hasil artikel menunjukan bahwa pada fase perkecambahan terdapat interaksi antara konsentrasi Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria dengan cekaman kekeringan terhadap kecepatan tumbuh dan panjang hipokotil, sedangkan pada fase pertumbuhan vegetatif terdapat interaksi terhadap tinggi tanaman pada umur 21 dan 30 hari setelah tanam. Secara mandiri konsentrasi Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria berpengaruh terhadap daya kecambah, bobot kering kecambah, dan panjang epikotil. Pada fase perkecambahan konsentrasi yang berpengaruh baik yaitu 1,5 % dan 2 %. Pada fase pertumbuhan vegetatif konsentrasi Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria yang berpengaruh baik terhadap jumlah daun, volume akar, bobot kering akar, bobot kering pupus, ratio pupus akar dan bobot kering tanaman konsntrasi 2 % dan 2,5 %.
One of the problems in intensive plant cultivation in Indonesia is drought stress which causes groundwater availability to become low so that it is not sufficient for plant needs. One of the efforts to overcome drought stress conditions is by giving Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria. This research aims to determine the effect of the interaction between giving Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and drought stress on the germination and vegetative growth of soybeans. The research was carried out from February to March 2024. The research design used was RAK factorial pattern repeated three times with the first factor being the concentration of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteri including: 0%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 2.5% and the second factor is soil moisture content at 100% field capacity and 50% field capacity. The research results showed that in the germination phase there was an interaction between the concentration of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and drought stress on growth speed and hypocotyl length, while in the vegetative growth phase there was an interaction on plant height at 21 and 30 days after planting. Independently, the concentration of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria influences germination capacity, dry weight of sprouts, and epicotyl length. In the germination phase, the concentrations that have a good effect are 1.5% and 2%. In the vegetative growth phase, the concentration of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria had a good effect on the number of leaves, root volume, root dry weight, shoot dry weight, root shoot ratio and plant dry weight, concentrations of 2% and 2.5%.
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