Developing Media “Grammar Root” for Teaching Grammar to Islamic Boarding School Students

Saidati Natasya Azzuhrah, Failasofah Failasofah, M. Saeful Effendi


This study aims to develop a learning media for teaching grammar to Islamic boarding school students. The biggest reason for this study is to make studying grammar more accessible for students at Islamic boarding schools with limitations in learning grammar. This study adopted 10 components of the Dick and Carey development method: analysis of needs and goals, learning analysis, analysis of context learning, formulating goals/aims, developing the instrument, developing learning strategies, developing and choosing learning materials, designing and conducting formative evaluations, making revisions, and summative evaluation. The media was developed based on a need assessment questionnaire filled in by 51 students of class six of an Islamic boarding school in Jambi. The researchers analyzed data collected based on mixed methods, a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The media "Grammar Root" was validated by several media and material experts and concluded with a valid score by the experts. It proves that the “Grammar Root” learning media can be used to promote the effectiveness of teaching grammar to Islamic boarding school students.


Keywords: Boarding schools, media, Grammar Root, need analysis

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